Public Policy & Management
The public management track is intended to prepare the next generation of public service professionals in government institutions in sub-Saharan Africa with the knowledge, skills, and attitude to successfully manage the challenges of public service delivery at the various levels of government in the African context.
Purpose of the track
The purpose of this track is to challenge young Africans working in public institutions to envision a public service of the future, defined by innovation, agility, and client focus. At the end of the program, participants will be required to submit a proposal in the form of a pitch aimed at improving a service offered by a public institution or improving a process within their public institution for quality, effectiveness, efficiency, accountability, and/or efficiency.

Years of Training Young African Leaders


Young Africans trained by The Accra RLC

Targeted youth

Young Africans serving the public at various levels of government (national, regional, district, county, & federal) or who are employed in regional bodies such as ECOWAS, AU, and other publicly oriented organizations. Young Africans who aspire to serve in a government institution in their country.


The design of the public management track is tailored to young people employed at national and decentralized levels of government institutions in African countries. The track is intended to enhance their ability to function effectively in their roles as public servants/civil servants in the African context, and to contribute to change in public service delivery in the government institutions where they are employed.

The program explores with participants the McKinsey 7's Model as a framework for modelling the ideal public sector institution. Participants are challenged to devise strategies to apply the McKinsey 7’s Model in the public institutions where they are employed.

Targeted Countries

Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cote D'Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, The Gambia and Togo.

This track is for you if:

  • You are employed in a government institution in your country
  • You are employed in a public oriented body such as the AU and ECOWAS
  • You want to acquire the knowledge, competencies, and ethics for improved public service delivery in the government or public oriented institution where you work.
  • You aspire to be employed in a government institution in your country and can provide evidence of your commitment to pursuing this aspiration.

On this track, you will:

  • Envision a stronger public service in your country
  • Develop the commitment to bringing this vision to reality
  • Be supported to build a positive mindset to the challenges of public service delivery in Africa.
  • Assess specific public policies in relation to the needs of intended beneficiaries and the interests of stakeholders
  • Develop frameworks for monitoring public policy
  • Practice ethical principles for your public service delivery roles
  • And much more!

Refining leaders to address societal challenges, advance shared interests, and create positive change.

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Building leaders to contribute to policy decisions that affects their communities.

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The Curriculum & Content unit coordinates the YALI training programs.

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