Applying to yali
Learn About Everything Involved
Applying for YALI Cohort doesn’t have to be daunting. We have step-by-step guides on starting your application, kindly read the instructions carefully before you start your application.
Carefully read through your preferred Training Track to ensure you are comfortable with the training content and what is expected from the applicant. Click on the track name below to read the full description of the Track:
Recruitment Application Process
Register on YA-RAMS
The credentials for the registration should be kept well as that will always enable you to log-in if you want to go back and apply for another cohort should you not be successful.
Open your email account used for the registration in step 1. Open a mail sent by YALI Africa and Verify your Account. It will take you to the YA-RAMS application dashboard for you to sign in.
Click on Profile to update your biography. Take this seriously and submit a good profile that summarizes your community engagement activities and not your family-related background.
Upload your picture by clicking on Avatar/passport picture. Use a regular passport-size picture with a plain background, up to chest level, with no dark spectacles on. If you have a challenge uploading, then you may not be meeting the specifications provided. (Max size 5MB, File type JPG or PNG). Click on update when done.
Click on Available Cohorts, Click on Start Application and complete the application from sections 1 – 9.
Take Note:
Take some time to fill out the application yourself. The application will ask for general information like your personal details, extracurricular activities, etc. The application will also include some questions on the specific training track you selected that require some thought.
During the application, kindly take note and adhere to the following:
a) Profile Picture
Should be your real passport size picture taken up to your chest, should be clear enough to recognize you. Should have no dark spectacles on unless you have sight impairment.
b) Profile
This section of the application is one of the most crucial. Your response is therefore critical in distinguishing yourself from other candidates. Pay attention to your leadership journey than family, marriage, early education and all others that are not very relevant.
c) Track
You cannot change your Track after selecting and proseeding with the application. Read from the website what all the three tracks entail and choose a track that best fits your initiative. Be certain of your choice of track before responding to the question to confirm your choice of track. You will not have the opportunity to change once you confirm your choice of track.
d) Rural / Urban
YALI considers a community as rural if it lacks basic amenities like portable water connected to homes, sparing electricity connection, inadequate schools: schools under trees, dilapidated school buildings, public schools, insufficient classrooms and/or sharing with animals etc., bad road networks without drains/inexistent road networks, improper disposal of waste within the community, inexistent health facility, adherence to primitive practices etc. If your community has more than three of these areas, you are most likely to be a rural community.
A community with a population of over 5,000 without most of the amenities spelt out in the rural communities can be considered an urban area.
Items needed to fill application
Scanned national ID or bio-page of passport
Passport Number
Soft copy of Passport picture
Read and understand the 3 track areas and be sure where you align before you start the application.
Create an Account (Sign-Up) as a ‘New User’ or log in using your existing details.
Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the application form and upload supporting documents. You can save your part-completed application and return to it later. Please make sure you click the submit button to complete your application. Once you have submitted your application, you will not be able to make any changes.
After submitting your application, you will receive an email to confirm that we have received your application.
If you are having difficulty with the application, kindly contact the Recruitment Manager for further advice:
Before you click on start application, make sure you have read and understood the requirements of the Training Track you wish to apply for. You can also refer to the FAQs for any clarification as we have responded to a number of frequently asked questions from applicants.
Tips for submitting a strong application
Take your application serious – Always make sure you have read and understood the Training Track (Business Entrepreneurship, Civic Leadership, Public Policy and Management) you intend to apply for.
Learn to tell your true story well
Telling your real story and not using AI to craft your essays/stories
A good history/track of events/achievements
Avoid uncoordinated submissions and incoherences in application
Choosing the correct track to match initiative/profile
The YALI RLC has a duty of care to safeguard applicants and staff who attend their programme, as well as to support all Cohorts throughout their time of training at the center. Applicants are required to provide correct and accurate information of themselves during the application.
Applicants who are successful in securing an offer from the YALI RLC for the training programme are required to disclose any relevant, unspent criminal convictions they hold.
If it is later found that an applicant provided wrong information of themselves during the application or relevant, unspent criminal conviction has not been disclosed or has been withheld by the applicant at the time of accepting their offer from the YALI RLC, the YALI RLC reserves the right to take steps to review the terms of the offer made, which may include withdrawing the offer of a place.
Q. I have forgotten my password, what do I do?
A. You can reset by clicking on “Forgot your password”, at the login section, enter your email you used to register, and a reset link will be sent to the email to change your password.
Q. I am from a country outside the West Africa Region, but I am interested in the YALI program, can I apply for it?
A. Only applicants from any of these 9 countries (Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, Togo, Burkina Faso, Cote D’Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Loene and The Gambia) are eligible to apply to the Accra RLC.
There are three other RLCs in Africa; YALI RLC Dakar which caters to francophone/Portuguese applicants within Africa, YALI RLC East Africa which caters to countries within East Africa and YALI RLC Southern Africa which caters to countries within the Southern Africa region. Identify the Region your country falls within by visiting their website for more information.
Q. Is a member of the YALI Network qualified to apply for the YALI RLC Accra program?
A. Being a member of the YALI network does not disqualify you. You are only excluded when you have previously benefited from the training from any other YALI RLCs. This includes online and in-person programmes.
Q. Why am I receiving a message that there are no cohorts when I try to apply?
A. You are using the wrong RLC link. Ensure that you are using the correct link for the Accra RLC and not Dakar/Senegal.
Q. How do I proceed after registering?
A. Recruitment Application Process:
- Register on YA-RAMS
- The credentials for the registration should be kept well as that will always enable you to login incase you want to go back and apply for another cohort should you not be successful.
- Open your email account used for the registration in step 1. Open a mail sent by YALI Africa and verify your account. It will take you to the YA-RAMS application dashboard for you to sign-in.
- Click on Profile to update your biography. Take this serious and submit a good profile that summarizes your community engagement activities and not family related background.
- Upload your picture by clicking on avatar/passport picture. Use a regular passport size picture with a plain background, up to the chest level, with no dark spectacles on. If you have a challenge uploading, then you may not be meeting the specifications provided. (Max size 5MB, File type JPG or PNG). Click on update when done.
- Click on available Cohorts, Click on Start Application and complete application from sections 1 – 9.
Q. I am interested in being part of the program, how do I apply?
A. Complete and apply through the Accra RLC website or the link shared on our social media platforms.
Q. I applied for the YAI RLC training but have not heard from you.
A. The Accra RLC responds to only shortlisted applicants.
Q. I do not have an international passport but have applied for the cohort. Can I still travel to Ghana to attend the program? Can I use a local ID card to travel to Ghana?
A. You can apply for the programme without a passport, but should you be selected for an onsite/hybrid cohort, you would require an international passport to travel to Accra. You cannot travel with a local ID.
Q. What is the difference between a hybrid cohort and an onsite cohort? OR Is the hybrid cohort the same as onsite?
A. The hybrid is the same as onsite. The hybrid comprises 2 weeks online and 3 weeks onsite. The two terms are used interchangeably but refer to the same programme.
Q. I am not able to upload my picture.
A. Take a fresh picture and re-size it to fit the following specifications. (Max size 5MB, File type JPG or PNG)
Q. I received an email about my selection to continue my application process but have not received a notification on my application portal to confirm my interview appointment. How do I confirm my interview appointment?
A. Login and go to the application dashboard, click on “My Interviews” tab and confirm your interview.
Q. Can I apply for one cohort twice?
A. You can only apply once for any RLC cohort. However, in case you do not get selected, you can always try again for future applications.
Q. Can I apply again for the RLC training if I was initially trained for an online cohort, Centre, another Track, or the Sector Specific Cohort since that is my area of focus?
A. Participants/Alums of the YALI RLC trainings can only benefit once, irrespective of the Center, mode i.e. online or onsite, year, track, or be it for a leadership or sector specific cohort.
Q. What is the time difference between Ghana and Nigeria/Cameroon?
A. The difference is plus 1 to any time that is communicated to you. E.g. 9.00 am in Ghana is 10.00 a.m. in Nigeria/Cameroon, 12.20 p.m in Ghana is 1.20 p.m. in Nigeria/Cameroon.
Q. I cannot submit my application because the portal keeps telling me I should answer all questions before submission, even when I have completed all questions. Is there anything I am supposed to do?
A. Check all the questions to ensure they have been answered before you can successfully submit your application.
Q. How long is the RLC training?
A. For online cohorts, it is 8 weeks (about 2 months). For onsite/hybrid, it is 2 weeks online and 3 weeks onsite.
Q. Application for employment/I want to work with YALI RLC Accra.
A. YALI RLC Accra does not recruit staff for the Center. GIMPA, the implementing institution of the RLC, is the organization with the sole mandate to engage staff for the RLC.